I would like to start with a quote by a great man.
“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step
toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle;
the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Human Progress is neither automatic nor inevitable” I love this. From my understanding of King’s quote, we as
human beings are not destined for great things, we are not entitled to change. Progress is, in fact, only made
by those of us willing to put in the time and effort. You can not expect positive change to happen in life if you as an
individual are not doing anything to guide it.
The Journey of becoming a master house husband never ends.
How could it, life and the world around us is always changing and progressing. A
true master never stops being a student.
Let’s recap the rules so far.
1. Focus
Taking care of a household is no easy task. There are a million things to do at
any given time, and any number of
these things can have another possible million interruptions. That right there is why the number one trait
any house husband must master is focus.
2. Cherish your loved ones and family members
Let’s face it, without a family and loved ones, there would be no need for
house husbands. Cherishing your partner and dependents is the whole
base of our existence, the pride we take in our work and the exhaustion
we overcome is all in the name of the ones we love.
3. Communication
Communication is the pillar of any healthy and respectful relationship. As
the home maintenance expert, communication on your part will be key to your success.
There are going to be a lot of areas that will require concise and prompt communication.
The clearer and more concise you can be with your family members
about household needs, the better.
Also, staying on top of the day-to-day life requirements of the family unit will
add to the overall harmony of the household.
4. Consistency
As the house husband, you will need to be able to plan and execute daily
tasks. It’s important to understand what your duties are and ensure that
you are consistent with them. The others in your life deserve only your best.
5. Progress
As an adult and a house husband, you will notice the days and weeks just
fly by. Often you will wonder where the time as gone. It’s easy to get caught
up and worn out by the day-to-day events of life. Add a kid or two into that
mix and, life can feel like it’s on fast-forward. For that reason alone, it is
important to take the time to stop and reflect, Specifically on your own
personal progress / growth.
You will notice, as time goes on, you will change and evolve. Your skills around
the house will refine, and you will find easier ways of doing things. There are
going to be ups and downs.You will fight with your partner and you will
make up. You will learn from your mistakes and hopefully flourish from
Which is why it’s mission-critical to track your progress!
Even if you are just doing metal check ins, you want to know if you are improving in the right
ways for both your family and yourself. It’s a balancing act, but with dedication
it can be done.
Being the care taker of your home and several takings on other life related
responsibilities can be extremely stressful. It can often feel like an uphill
battle and your work, just like the money earner in the household, is
never done. There will be times you fall behind and times when you might just
be squeaking ahead. Life is crazy and often things will not go as planned.
Being able to roll with what life throws at you is mission-critical. Not only is it
important to keep your cool and calm for your own personal health, but for the lives of others around you. If you’re
anything like me and prone to frustration and feeding into it, now is the time to stop!
Before you can learn to roll with it, you have to identify what situations
frustrate you and what influences in your life and leave you prone to anger.
Next you are going to need to learn to let go. IE. I own a cat that never stops
asking for food it drives me crazy…
The fact of the matter is there is no reason to buy in.
Often I find myself arguing
with the cat which is just absurd. It’s an animal, it has zero idea of the words
coming out of my mouth or why I’m frustrated and she just knows that she
wants food. What I am learning is if something frustrates me, the only
factor in my anger or reactions is me.
We are in charge and in control of our reactions. That being said, does it not
make more sense to ignore and move on, to roll with it?
Don’t let life get the better of you. Change is inevitable, your circumstance is not finite.
Come back next moth for the next two rules of the highly effective house husband.